By year


Reinders, H.R., in press. Τα ελληνο-οθωμανικά σύνορα στην πεδιάδα της Σούρπης (1832-1881). Achaiophthiotika 4.

Dijkstra, T., D. Efstathiou, J. van der Heul, D. van der Linde, I. Mamaloudi και E. Stamelou, in press. The excavation of the House of Agnostos. Pharos.

Stissi, V.V. (in press). The countryside of Classical-Hellenistic Halos (and Tanagra): a comparative approach. 3rd Archaeological meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece, 2006-2008: From Prehistory to the contemporary period, Volos, 12th-15th March 2009.



Reinders, H.R., 1979. Halos a new town. Athens Annals of Archaeology 12, 59-62.



Reinders, H.R., 1983. Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly. In: D.R. Keller & D.W. Rupp, Archaeological survey in the Mediterranean area (= BAR International Series 155). Oxford, 217-218.

Reinders, H.R. & S. Bottema, 1983. Investigations at Halos and Zerelia. Preliminary report 1982. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 58, 91-100.



Reinders, H.R., 1986. Hellenistic New Towns on the Pagasitic Gulf. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 61, 34-40.



Reinders, H.R., 1988a. The city of Halos in the period 350-300 BC, Tradition and Transition. In: Praktika tou 12 diethnous synedriou klasikis Archaioloyias. Athens, 4-10 September 1988. Athens, 172-174.

Reinders, H.R., 1988b. The investigation of the Hellenistic city of Halos, 1987 campaign. Netherlands Institute at Athens. Newsletter 1, 24-27.

Reinders, H.R., 1988c. New Halos; a Hellenistic town in Thessalía, Greece. Hes, Utrecht. (ook verschenen als proefschrift Groningen, 1988).

Bottema, S. 1988. A reconstruction of the Halos Environment on the Basis of Palynological Information. In: H.R. Reinders, New Halos; a Hellenistic town in Thessalía, Greece. Hes, Utrecht, 216-226.

Sraaten, L.M.J.U. van, 1988. Mollusc Shell Assemblages in Core Samples from Ancient Halos. In: H.R. Reinders, New Halos; a Hellenistic town in Thessalía, Greece. Hes, Utrecht, 227-235.



Reinders, H.R., 1989. Het onderzoek van een huis in Hellenistisch Halos. Paleo-Aktueel 1, 48-53.



Efstathiou, A., Z. Malakasioti & H.R. Reinders, 1990 (1991). Halos, archaeological field survey project. Prelimina­ry report of the 1990 campaign. Netherlands Institute at Athens. Newsletter 3, 31-45.

Wieberdink, G., 1990. A Hellenistic Fortification System in the Othrys Mountains (Achaia Phthiotis). Netherlands Institute at Athens. Newsletter 3, 47-67.



Efstathiou, A., Z. Malakasioti & H.R. Reinders, 1991. Een survey in het gebied ten noorden van Hellenis­tisch Halos (Griekenland). Paleo-aktueel 2, 82-86.

Haagsma, M.J., 2001. Halos 1991, a prelimenary report. Netherlands Institute at Athens. Newsletter 4, 1-12.

Haagsma, M.J. & H.R. Reinders, 1991. Verwoesting door een aardbeving. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 4.2, 16-25.



Reinders, H.R., 1992. The end of the occupation of Hellenistic Halos. An earthquake about 260 BC? In: Procee­dings of the International Congress on Ancient Thessaly. Athens, 430-436.



Dyer, C. & M.J. Haagsma, 1993. A Geometric Krater from New Halos. Results of the 1992 Halos study season. Pharos 1, 165-174.

Haagsma, B.J., Z. Malakasioti, H.R. Reinders & V. Rondiri, 1993a. Between Karatsadagli and Baklali. Pharos 1, 147-164.

Haagsma, B.J., Z. Malakasióti, H.R. Reinders & V. Rondíri, 1993b. Een survey tussen Baklalí en Karatsagdaglí (Thessalië, Griekenland). Paleo-aktueel 4, 60-64.

Reinders, H.R., 1992 (1993). The end of the occupation of Hellenistic Halos. An earthquake about 260 BC? In: Diethnes Synedrio yia tin Archaia Thessalia, sti mnimi tou Dimitri R. Theochari [Proceedings of the International Congress on Ancient Thessaly to the memory of D.R. Theocharis], Athene, 430-436.

Reinders, H.R., 1993a. I topothesía tis Álou. In: V. Koudonatsios (red.), Achaiophthiotika 1, Praktiká tou prótou sinedríou Almiriotikón Spoudón. Almirós, 49-59.

Reinders, H.R., 1993b. Schaarse bronnen. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de Archeolo­gie van Eurazië aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen op dinsdag 30 november 1993. Groningen, Context Systems, 39 pp.



Bottema, S., 1994. The Prehistoric Environment of Greece: A Review of the Palynological Record. In: P.N. Kardulias (ed.) Beyond the Site, Regional Studies in the Aegean Area. Lanham, 45-68.

Reinders, H.R., 1994. Housing in Hellenistic Halos. In: R. Misdrahi-Kapon (red.), La Thessalie. Quinze années de recher­ches archéologiques, 1975-1990. Bilans et perspectives. (Actes du colloque international Lyon, 17-22 avril 1990). Athene, 217-220.



Malakasioti, Z., V. Rondiri & H.R. Reinders, 1995. Groninger bijdrage aan Griekse monumentenzorg. Paleo-aktueel 6, 71-74.



Bakker, A. & H.R. Reinders, 1996. Tetradrachmen en tetrobolen; een muntvondst in Nieuw Halos. Paleo-aktueel 7, 66-69.

Dijkstra, Y., H.R. Reinders, V. Rondiri & S.J. Tuinstra, 1996. De Zuidoostpoort van Hellenistisch Halos. Paleo-aktueel 7, 62-65.

Reinders, H.R., 1996. Veehouders in Thessalië. De overgang naar een sedentair bestaan 1840-1990. Groningen, 43 pp.

Reinders, H.R., Y. Dijkstra, V. Rondiri, S.J. Tuinstra & Z. Malakasiotis, 1996. The Southeast Gate of New Halos. Pharos 4, 121-138 [verschenen in 1997.



Haagsma, M.J., 1998. Baubo in de put. Resultaten van de opgravingen van huis 9 in Halos, 1997. Paleo-aktueel 9, 36-39.

Reinders, H.R., 1997. Ta nomísmata tis Álou. In: V. Kondonatsios (ed.), Achaiophthiotika, 2. Almirós, 105-120.

Reinders, H.R., S. Floras, E. Karimali, Z. Malakasioti, W. Prummel, V. Rondiri, I. Sgouras & M. Wijnen, 1997. Karatsádaghli. A Neolithic site in the Almirós plain (Thessaly, Greece). Pharos 5, 85-143 [verschenen in 1998.



Reinders, H.R., 1998. Earthquakes in the Almirós Plain and the abandonment of New Halos. In: E. Olshausen & H. Sonnabend (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur historischen Geographie des Altertums 6, 1996 `Naturkatastrophen in der Antiken Welt’. Stuttgart, 198-211.

Reinders, H.R. & A. Kloosterman, 1998. Hellenistische muntvondsten uit Nieuw Halos. Paleo-aktueel 9, 40-45.

Reinders, H.R. & W. Prummel, 1998. Transhumance in Hellenistic Thessaly. EA 3, 81-95.



Reinders, H.R., 1999. De hoofdpoorten van Hellenistisch Halos. Jaarboek NWO, 1998.



Prummel, W., 2000. Kokkels uit de baai van Soúrpi (Griekenland); indicatoren voor zeemilieu en bevolkingsdruk. Paleo-aktueel 11, 43-46.

Reinders, H.R., 2000a [verschenen in 2003]. Érevna stin Ellinistikí póli tis Álou (1990-1997). In: To Érgo ton Eforíon Archaiotitón kai Neóteron Mnimión tou IPPO sti Thessalía kai tin evríteri periochí tis. Ipouryio Politismou IG EPKA, Volos, 339-344.

Reinders, H.R., 2000b. Hoed u voor Thessalië… Paleo-Ottueel, 57-60.

Reinders, H.R., P. Fijma, Z. Malakasioti & V. Rondiri, 2000. An archaeological survey in the Soúrpi plain (Thessaly, Greece). Pharos 8, 83-92.

Sikking, L., 2000. Bewoning op en rond de Zuidoostpoort van Nieuw Halos (260-240 v. Chr.). Paleo-aktueel 11, 37-41.



Fijma, P., 2001. Een survey in de vlakte van Soúrpi. Paleo-aktueel 12, 89-94.

Prummel, W., 2001. Spiny oyster, Spondylus gaederopus, consumption during the Middle Bronze Age in Thessaly, Greece. In: W.H. Metz, B.L. van Beek & H. Steegstra (eds), Patina. Essays presented to Jay Jordan Butler on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Groningen/Amsterdam, 461-471.

Reinders, H.R., 2001. Nées Ellinistikés Póleis ston Pagasitikó Kólpo. Óthris 5, 77-87.

Reinders, H.R., A. Kloosterman & E. Schrijer, 2001. Middle Bronze Age Sites in the Almirós and  Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) – Interregional contacts? In: W.H. Metz, B.L. van Beek & H. Steegstra (eds), Patina, essays presented to Jay Jordon Butler on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Groningen/Amsterdam, 473-478.

Reinders, H.R., S. Floras, E. Karimali, Z. Malakasioti, W. Prummel, V. Rondiri, I. Sgouras & M. Wijnen, 2001. Karatsádaghli. Mía neolithikí thési ston kámbo tou Almiroú. Óthris 5, 9-53.

Reinders, H.R., Y. Dijkstra, V. Rondiri, S.J. Tuinstra & Z. Malakasiotis, 2001. I notianatolikí píli tis Néas Álou. Óthris 5, 54-76.



Dyer, C. & M.J. Haagsma, 2002. Énas yeometrikós kratíras apó ti Néa Álo. Apotelésmata tis periódou spoudís tis Álou tou 1992. Óthris 6, 7-19.

Georganas, I. 2002. “Constructing Identities in Early Iron Age Thessaly: the Case of the Halos Tumuli”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 21.3: 289-298.

Reinders, H.R. 2001. The coastal landscape between Thermopylai and Demetrias from a maritime point of view. Tropis 6, 457-492.



Beestman-Kruyshaar, C., 2003a. Pottery. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 81-105.

Beestman-Kruyshaar, C., 2003b. Catalogue of pottery. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 249-283.

Beestman-Kruyshaar, C., 2003c. Survey of the types of vessels in the six houses. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 284-294.

Boekel, G.M.E.C. van & B. Mulder, 2003a. Terracotta Figurines. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 106-118.

Boekel, G.M.E.C. van & B. Mulder, 2003b. Catalogue of figurines. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 106-118.

Burnier, Y. & S. Hijmans, 2003. Loomweights. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 295-297.

Haagsma, M.J. 2003. Houses of New Halos. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 37-79.

Hijmans, S., 2003a. The metal finds. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 123-138.

Hijmans, S., 2003b. Catalogue of metal artefacts. In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 303-319.

Prummel, W., 2003a. Animal remains from the Hellenistic town of New Halos in the Almirós plain, Thessaly. In: E. Kotjabopoulou, Y. Hamilakis, P. Halstead, C. Gamble & P. Elefanti (eds), Zooarchaeology in Greece: Recent Advances (= British School at Athens Studies 9). British School at Athens, London, 153-159.

Prummel, W., 2003b. Animal husbandry and mollusc gathering in Hellenistic Halos (Thessaly). In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 175-223.

Reinders, H.R. & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, pp. 331.

Reinders, H.R., 2003a. Introduction. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 1-5.

Reinders, H.R., 2003b. New Halos in Achaia Phthiotis. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 7-36.

Reinders, H.R., 2003c. Coins. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 138-145.

Reinders, H.R., 2003d. Beginning and end of the occupation of New Halos. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 231-247.

Reinders, H.R., 2003e. Catalogue of loomweights. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 298-302.

Reinders, H.R., 2003f. Catalogue of Coins. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 320-326.

Schelvis, J., 2003. Analysis of the arthropod remains. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 223

Woldring, H., 2003a. Forest vegetation and  human inmpact in the Óthris mountains. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 147-159.

Woldring, H., 2003b. Late Holocene vegetational history of the Óthris mountains. In: H.R. Reinders, & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, 159-175.



Christmann, E., 2004a. Early Bronze Age ceramics from Voulokalíva, site 1990/35. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 41-53.

Christmann, E., 2004b. Catalogue of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age ceramics. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 132-142.

Karimali, E., 2004a. Chipped stone artefacts and ground-stone tools from Voulokalíva. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 53-73.

Karimali, E., 2004b. Chipped stone artefacts and ground-stone tools from Magoúla Pavlína. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 76-83.

Prummel, W., 2004. Animal remains from Magoúla Pavlína. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 84-90.

Floras, S. & I Sgouras, 2004. Reconnaissance survey of the geology and soils. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 6-19.

Reinders, H.R. (ed.), 2004. Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi plains (Thessaly, Greece) (=Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5). Van Gorcum, Assen, 2004, 158 pp.

Reinders, H.R., 2004a. Introductory Contributions. In: H.R. Reinders (ed.), Prehistoric sites at theAlmirós and Soúrpi plains (Thessaly, Greece) (=Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5). Van Gorcum, Assen, (pp. v-vi, 3-5, 20-23, 39-40, 74-75, 94-95).

Reinders, H.R., 2004b. Coinage and coin circulation in New Halos. Obolos 7, 185-206.

Stissi, V., 2004a. Late Bronze Age. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 91-93.

Stissi, V., 2004b. Archaic Period. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 116-124.

Stissi, V., L. Kwak & J. de Winter, 2004a. Early Iron Age. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 94-114.

Stissi, V., L. Kwak & J. de Winter, 2004b. Catalogue of Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Archaic pottery. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 143-158.

Wijnen, M. & V. Rondiri, 2004. Neolithic. In: Reinders, H.R. (ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almirós and Soúrpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (= Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 5), 20-38.



Haagsma, M.J. 2005. Ta spítia tis Néas Álou. Óthris 9, 5-75.

Prummel, W., 2005a. The avifauna of the Hellenistic town of New Halos, Thessaly, Greece. In: G. Grupe & J. Peters (eds), Feathers, grit and symbolism. Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds (Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3). Leidorf, Rahden/Westf., 349-360.

Prummel, W., 2005b. Molluscs from a Middle Bronze Age site and two Hellenistic sites in Thessaly, Greece. In: E. Bar-Yosef Mayer (ed.), Archaeomalacology: Molluscs in former environments of human behaviour. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 107-121.

Reinders, H.R., 2005a. Archeologische vindplaatsen in de vlakte van Soúrpi. Voorlopige resultaten van de surveys in 2000 en 2002. Paleo-Aktueel 14/15, 104-110.

Reinders, H.R., 2005b. De opgraving van de Zuidoostpoort van Nieuw Halos (Griekenland) in het Olympisch jaar 2004. Paleo-Aktueel 16, 84-88.



Dickenson, C., L. Radlof & H.R. Reinders, 2006. The Southeast Gate of the Hellenistic City of New Halos, description and analysis of the structural remains. Pharos 13 (2005), 77-92.

Reinders, H.R., 2006a. Enceinte, Gates and Communication Lines of New Halos, a Reconstruction. In: Archaioloyiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Elladas. Volos, Ministry of Culture and University of Thessaly, 137–144.

Reinders, H.R., 2006b. De Zuidoostpoort van Halos. Paleo-Aktueel 17, 114-121.

Reinders, H.R., 2006c. Veehouders in Thessalië, de overgang naar een sedentair bestaan. Thessalika Erga, Groningen.

Reinders, H.R., 2006d. I archí kai to télos tis katíkisis tis Néas Álou. Óthris 10, 53-80.

Reinders, H.R. & Y.I. Aalders, 2006. The Medieval City of Almiros and its Hinterland. Proceedings of the first International Congress on the History and Culture of Thessaly, 9-11 November 2006, 449-459.



Reinders, H.R. & Y.I. Aalders, 2007.The Medieval City of Almiros and its hinterland. Pharos 14, 47-58.

Reinders, H.R. & L. Sikking, 2007. I katíkisi tis Notioanatolikís pílis tis Néas Álou. Achaiophthiotika 3, 161-170.

Reinders, H.R., P. Fijma, Z. Malakasioti & V. Rondiri, 2007. Mía archaioloyikí epifaniakí érefna stin pediáda tis Soúrpis tou Almiroú. Óthris 11, 47-62.



Reinders, H.R., 2008. De opgraving van het Huis met de Tobbe in Hellenistisch Halos. Paleo-aktueel 19, 135–141.

Reinders, H.R., C. Williamson, W. Jansen & J.P. de Roever, 2008. The Church of Áyios Nikólaos (Vounénis) at Karatsádagli Almiroú. Pharos 16, 85-122.

Reinders, H.R. & Y. Aalders, 2008. I mesaionikí póli tou Almiroú kai i endochóra tis. Óthris 12, 11-28.



Reinders, H.R., 2009. The Hellenistic City of New Halos, a Creation of Demetrios Polirorketes? In: Proceedings of the 2nd Archaeological meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece (AETHSE). Volos, 369–379.

Reinders, H.R., 2009. Paraliakés póleis ston Pagasitikó kai Maliakó kólpo. Óthris 13, 73-122.

Reinders, H.R., 2009. Ta nomísmata tis Álou. Óthris 13, 153–173.

Reinders, H.R., L. Karimali, W. Prummel, V. Rondiri, V. Tzevelekidi & M. Wijnen, 2009. The Neolithic Site of Kamára in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessaly, Greece). Pharos 15, 59–136.



Haagsma, M.J., 2010. Domestic Economy and Social Organization in New Halos. University of Groningen, PhD thesis.

Reinders, H.R., 2010. De Grieks-Turkse grens van 1832. Paleo-Aktueel 21, 109-116.



Reinders, H.R., M.L.B. Bergmans, Z. Malakasioti and F. Tsiouka, 2011. The excavation of the House of the Tub in Hellenistic Halos. Prelimenary report on the 2007-2009 field seasons. Pharos 17.2, 83-106.

Reinders, R, C. Williamson, W. Jansen and P. de Roever, 2011. I ekklisía tou Ayíou Nikoláou (Vounénis) sto Karatsádagli tou Almiroú. Othris 15, 181-235.

Stissi, V.V., 2011. Finding the Early Iron Age in Field Survey: two case studies from Boeotia and Magnesia. In: S. Verdan, T. Theurillat and A. Kenzelmann Pfyffer, eds., Early Iron Age Pottery. A Quantitative Approach, Proceedings of the International Round Table organized by the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece, (Athens, November 28-30, 2008), Oxford 2011 (BAR S 2254), 149-162.



Prummel, W., 2012. De dieren van de vroeg- en middenneolithische vindplaatsen Karatsádhagli en Kamára in Thessalië. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 48, 1-6.